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October 1 - October 31, 2023
Jeanne Poirier's avatar

Jeanne Poirier

Team NCW

"May I always love the earth and be willing to heal her hurts - (to the best of my understanding) until my very last breath."


  • 0 TODAY
  • 1,718 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    locally sourced meals
  • UP TO
    women, BIPOC, and immigrant-owned businesses
  • UP TO
    spent learning

Jeanne's actions

Coastal, Ocean, and Engineered Sinks

Research the Wonders of Macroalgae / Seaweed

Macroalgae Protection and Restoration

Each day, I will spend at least 5 minutes learning more about protecting and restoring macroalgae/seaweed.


Land Sinks

Learn More about Silvopasture


I will spend at least 30 minutes watching videos and/or reading about the environmental benefits of silvopasture.


Food, Agriculture, and Land Use

Learn More about Regenerative Agriculture

Conservation Agriculture, Regenerative Annual Cropping

I will spend at least 30 minutes learning about the need for more regenerative agriculture.


Food, Agriculture, and Land Use

Support Local Food Systems

Plant-Rich Diets

I will source 75 percent of my food from local producers each day. This could include signing up for a local CSA, buying from a farmer's market, visiting a food co-op, foraging with a local group, or growing my own ingredients.


Land Sinks

Learn about Temperate Forests

Temperate Forest Restoration

I will spend at least 20 minutes learning more about the environmental services provided by and the environmental issues affecting temperate forests.



Learn about 'Green Gentrification'

Multiple Solutions

I will spend at least 20 minutes learning about green gentrification and how it relates to city planning for climate action.


Coastal, Ocean, and Engineered Sinks

Cook With Seaweed

Seaweed Farming

I will use seaweed in a new recipe.


Food, Agriculture, and Land Use

Learn the Truth About Expiration Dates

Reduced Food Waste

I will spend at least 15 minutes learning how to differentiate between sell by, use by, and best by dates.



Practice the 5 Rs


I will practice the "5 Rs" — refuse, reduce, reuse, repurpose, and recycle — to reduce my waste more than I can with just recycling alone.



Learn More about Micro Wind

Micro Wind Turbines

I will spend at least 20 minutes learning more about the energy generation potential of micro wind.



Learn More about Wave and Tidal Energy

Ocean Power

I will spend at least 20 minutes learning more about the energy generation potential of wave and tidal energy.


Health and Education

Support Businesses Owned by Women, POC, or Immigrants

Sustainable Intensification for Smallholders

I will spend 45 minutes researching and shopping from 4 businesses owned by women, people of color, or immigrants.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Jeanne Poirier's avatar
    Jeanne Poirier 10/31/2023 6:48 PM
    This has been a great experience for me - the learnings, the trophies sparkling when I do my challenges! Ditto to Mary Hanks earlier post - it has been the feed and sharing of what this month has brought us. Really fun to check out and see what we've learned and done. Congratulations everyone! Happy Halloween!

    • Mary Hanks's avatar
      Mary Hanks 10/31/2023 8:36 PM
      Thank you, Jeanne! I really enjoyed reading your feed and being inspired by the things you do. Happy Halloween! (I have four bags of leftover candy, but it's PALM OIL-FREE!)

  • Jeanne Poirier's avatar
    Jeanne Poirier 10/31/2023 6:43 PM

    Books picked up at GreenDrinks event earlier this month from Hannah, librarian who brings books to our events and is such a pleasure! Looking forward to carrying on the learnings!

  • Jeanne Poirier's avatar
    Jeanne Poirier 10/31/2023 6:41 PM
    Loved using the last foods from Farmer's Market in a "chicken" pot pie - vegan and the "chicken" was made in Hood River Oregon! Local!

  • Jeanne Poirier's avatar
    Jeanne Poirier 10/31/2023 6:38 PM
    For my last post on micro-algae/seaweed I enjoyed finding this 2023 Plant based World Expo three minute video! Check out the winner! 03:00 YouTube Aliga Microalgae | Best Ingredient Innovation | World Plant-Based Innovation Awards 2023 Sep 26, 2023

  • Jeanne Poirier's avatar
    Jeanne Poirier 10/30/2023 7:18 PM
    This has been an amazing journey for me! I've very much enjoyed reading the posts and give kudos to ya'll who really dived in and learned lots! I have too - and I did not stress myself1. In a crazy world it has been a huge comfort to me to come here and glean ever so little of what we've done here. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!

    • Sue Kane's avatar
      Sue Kane 10/30/2023 9:51 PM
      Thanks for all your comments. You are a wonderful movivator!

    • Devenci Devenci's avatar
      Devenci Devenci 10/30/2023 7:42 PM
      The world has always been like that. Crazy things can still happen every day. Let your soul calm down with Fun Games

  • Jeanne Poirier's avatar
    Jeanne Poirier 10/30/2023 7:16 PM
    Today I went to Sage Mountain Natural Foods for the first time since earlier spring when Farmer's Markets opened. I not only saw a dear friend, but got much of the same produce from same local growers!! It was disappointing to see much of the refillable laundry, soap, dishwasher etc. disappeared from the shelves :(. I will need to backtrack to some of my team-mates posts. Very happy to refill food items and support local!

  • Jeanne Poirier's avatar
    Jeanne Poirier 10/30/2023 7:12 PM
    Micro algae seaweed again - it is truly a rabbit hole for learning and information! I can't resist! Today I realized our Washington legislators did the right thing last session, and I was against it until today. There is definite potential in the next TWO YEARS for micro algae to provide alternative fuel for shipping and airplane travel. I might see Kauai before I die yet. Check out this article - I only want latest information! The link to two years out . . .
    May 26, 2023, 7:51am PDT

    Semafor Net Zero: Algae’s climate comeback

    • Mary Hanks's avatar
      Mary Hanks 10/30/2023 8:50 PM
      Thanks for posting about this article! I just signed up for several of Semafor's newsletters.

  • Jeanne Poirier's avatar
    Jeanne Poirier 10/29/2023 7:12 PM
    Look at how the moon and Jupiter have already moved apart in the skies!
    The air today looked like it could have been fire season - so filled with smoke. While I know a good portion is orchard burning - how many folks do you see in our neighborhood raking leaves, weeds and starting a smoldering fire? Not sure how many of you saw Sarah Dougherty's presentation on 27th via Wenatchee River Institute. She was at Green Drinks September. It was great presentation and they will have it on YouTube. Will let you know if/when I see it. It changed me and my understanding of what's going on. I really hope someone else saw or will see it.

  • Jeanne Poirier's avatar
    Jeanne Poirier 10/29/2023 6:56 PM
    Even before reading tonight's feed, can't tell you how much I'll miss the spinning trophies and sparkles giving me kudos and saying "Congratulations Jeanne! You did it!"
    Thank you and y'all for this round of Eco-Challenge with Drawdown. I've learned so much!

  • Jeanne Poirier's avatar
    Jeanne Poirier 10/29/2023 6:53 PM
    Could spend rest of my life trying to understand the wonders or micro algae/seaweed.
    Read today about huge algae bloom around Snake River Dam rivers - toxic and dangerous. Will apparently die off in cooler temperatures, but toxins sink with it. Not good for anything trying to live in the rivers. SO - can it be reclaimed and made into biofuels, carbon sink like other algaes? The learning will continue!